Lighthouses of Prayer International

About us
Core Values
The LPI Mission is to be used to glorify God by advancing Christ’s kingdom around the world united in prayer.
Integrity and Honesty
Maintain a Godly character, always speaking the truth in love
Extend grace, mercy and forgiveness to all
To reach future generations to believe in the power of united prayer
Be a good steward and accountable with all resources
and exercising fiscal responsibility
Mission & Vision
The Mission
“To be used to glorify God and to advance Christ’s kingdom around the world united in prayer”
Monthly Prayer Focus
Churches and Ministers
Government and Military
Media, Arts and Entertainment
Special Issues Concerning our City and Nation
Christian Organizations
Personal Requests
The Vision
“Christians united as one in our diversity
experiencing an overflowing harvest of Souls”
We, as co-laborers in the body of Christ, commit ourselves to be used of God to redeem a lost world unto Jesus, as we unite with one heart to pray across denominations, cultures & generations, not forsaking our own assembly. Our trust is in God for the increase of passionate intercessors and that He will reveal Himself to others in response to united prayer.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, are you concerned about the spiritual condition of your city and nation and those who do not know Jesus? Would you like to pray with a group of local Christian men or women who have the same heartfelt concerns? Would you be interested in joining or hosting a Men’s or Women’s Lighthouse of Prayer?
Statement of Faith
As Brothers and Sisters United in Christ, We Believe that:
There is one Eternal God existing in the Trinity of three persons as shown from Genesis to Revelation;
“God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.”
The Bible is God's infallible, irrefutable Word.
The sacred union of marriage is between one man and one woman.
Life begins at conception
God created the heavens and the earth by the power of His spoken Word.
Jesus Christ is God who became flesh through a Holy Spirit conception and virgin birth.
Man is sinful and cannot save himself from eternal separation from God.
Jesus Christ's death on the cross is the only provision for man’s sin.
Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ by individually repenting of sin and
receiving Him into one’s life as Savior and Lord.
Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, His Body, which is composed of all men and women, living and dead who have been joined to Him through saving faith.
Jesus died, was buried, arose from the grave, walked among men,
ascended into heaven, and indwells every Believer.
Jesus is one day returning for His Bride, the Church, to consummate God’s eternal plan for mankind.
History of LPI
The history of LPI is intertwined with the history of Joan Bond Courtney. In 1980, Joan Courtney’s life could have ended tragically when a train hit the car she was driving, but God had plans for Joan. Joan credits God for answering many prayers and preserving her life. Another milestone in Joan’s prayer life came when she was selected to serve as the Women’s Prayer Committee Chairperson for the 1997 South Texas Billy Graham Crusade held in the San Antonio Alamo Dome. Women from various denominations, cultures and ages prayed in small groups preceding the Crusade; and then after the Crusade, these women continued to faithfully pray in small, neighborhood groups for the city and nation. This was the beginning of Women’s Neighborhood Prayer (WNP).
Under Joan’s leadership the number of prayer groups grew in San Antonio and beyond. When WNP spread to the workplace and moved outside of San Antonio, Women’s Neighborhood Prayer became Women’s Prayer International (WPI), and then WPI became Lighthouses of Prayer International (LPI). After faithfully serving God for 23 years as the president of LPI, Joan stepped down as president; and Pastor Gene Loeffler was prayerfully selected to succeed Joan as the president of LPI. LPI continues to grow under Pastor Gene’s leadership. LPI now includes men’s prayer groups and couples’ prayer groups in addition to the women’s prayer groups. Praying Kingdom focused prayers that bring salvation and revival continue to be LPI’s priority.
Revival historians tell us that there has never been a great spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin with Christians uniting to pray across the boundaries that separated them. It was for this reason that LPI was founded. Our desire is to be a resource to encourage and equip Christians to come together to bombard the heavens with united prayer for their city and nation. “ADVANCING CHRIST KINGDOM AROUND THE WORLD UNITED IN PRAYER.”